Three purpose

Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life.

John 14:6

Three main reason Lord Jesus Christ came to us is to show us the way, to reveal to us the truth and to give us life.
He came to show who the true God is. No one has seen God, because He is Spirit.
He came to show who God is, how He looks like, what is His character, what He desires.
Jesus is the image of the Father God. He Himself said if you see me you have seen the Father, I and Father are one.
Secondly Jesus came to reveal the truth. The truth is God loves you and does not hate you. He wants to be with you, help you and take care of you.
God is love. He is the author of love.
Thirdly Jesus came to give life. Sin brought death, but Jesus came to take our sins upon Himself and die in our place, so we might become sinless and hence have life eternally.
As we celebrate Christmas this season, lets remember the three main purpose for which Christ came.
Hence worship Him and thank Him for showing the way, revealing the truth and giving us life.