Sow the seed

Then He will give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground.

Isaiah 30:23

In agriculture this is the basic and very important principle. You have to first prepare the ground, till the ground and then sow the seed.
Without preparing the ground if you sow the seed it will not grow it dies and also just preparing the ground without sowing the seed will not cause the seed to grow.
When you do both, then when rain comes the seed sowed in the prepared ground grows strongly and gives great and wonderful fruits.
The same is true in the God's Kingdom.
The ground is your heart. You have to prepare your heart first. How do you prepare your heart, when you are in fellowship with Christ and pray everyday, your heart is tilled or prepared.
Then you sow the seed, which is the Word of God (Luke 8:11). That is reading the bible.
When you do in this order, God will pour the rain and the Word of God you read after you have prayed will start growing and strengthens your faith and produces great results.
You cannot expect a miracle or blessings from God without praying and reading God's Word.
Sow your seed first on prepared ground and then wait like the farmer in faith. God is the one who gives rain and the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6)