
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.

1 Corinthians 3:6

We all love to have increase in our life. Increase in our finances, increase in our position in the job, increase in influence, increase in wisdom and knowledge.
We work hard towards it and plan many things and most of the time the labor goes to vain.
Bible says that the increase is from God. It is He who gives the increase.
We plant and water, but the real increase comes from Him.
We need God in everything we do. We need His favor, His mercy, His hand of blessing in all that we do.
How do we achieve that, by involving Him, by seeking Him first, by having a God's Kingdom building mindset.
In everything we do, we must have a motive that will always be a blessing in God's Kingdom.
That is why our Lord Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, seek first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added to you.
Whatever you do in your life, in your job, in your family for your kids, to it all with a Kingdom building mindset, then whatever you plant and water, God hands will be in it and will give the increase.
If it is finances, then sow by giving generously to God's work and to the poor, then God will bless your finances and increase it.
If it is your job, then look for ways to show God's love to others, then God will give you supernatural wisdom and promote you to levels you have not dreamed off.
In every area of your life build His kingdom not yours and He will give you the increase you wanted.