Belly of the fish

Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to shallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

Jonah 1:17

God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh and convey His message that He is going to destroy them unless they repent. But because of his hatred towards Nineveh, instead of doing what God asked him to do, Jonah fled the other direction. He fled to Tarshish. Verse three says he fled to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.
Now the distance from where Jonah was to Nineveh was only 550 miles, but Tarshish was 2500 miles and in opposite direction.
Jonah very soon realized he was in great trouble and ended up being swallowed by the fish and landed in it's belly.
We also many times like Jonah flee away from the presence of the Lord, from His will and end up in deep trouble.
Nothing we do prospers and everything that we do seems to be a hindrance.
Like Jonah it is time to cry to the Lord. He is merciful and even hears us from the belly of the fish, like He heard Jonah cry.
Jonah knew He is going to perish in the belly of a fish, he also knew only God can help him.
You may be in deep trouble and no hope in sight, but know this, God can deliver you even from the deepest pit where no man can help.
Through Jonah, God saved Nineveh. He didn't destroy it because they repented hearing Jonah's message.
Through you, God has great plans to save people around you like the people of Nineveh.
Do His will and God will give you your hearts desire.