The right way

The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but rebellious stumble in them.

Hosea 14:9

When we are driving a long distance to reach the destiny, we prefer always the right way which has no traffic, no hurdles and danger. We use the google maps to select the best route and the shortest route with no traffic, or hurdles or danger and follow it diligently. Sometimes we wonder if the route that we have taken is right, but we settle down in peace trusting the google maps or other GPS maps, knowing that it will take us in the right way.
Likewise in our life's journey we have someone who likes to direct us in the right way, which will have no traffic, no hurdle or danger.
It is none other than Holy Spirit Himself who is the Spirit of Living God.
Every morning when we start the day, He starts to shows us the route and direction we need to take and travel in our life.
He gives us instructions to turn right and left, He warns of coming danger and sometimes He is silent because it is a straight route with no turns.
It is important we hear His voice. When we walk close to the Holy Spirit, read the Word of God and pray and when we are in constant touch with Him,
He directs our every step and we won't stumble or get lost or get stuck or get in trouble.
The way He takes us is always the right way even if it does not look right.