
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.

Psalms 50:15

This verse is one of the greatest promise that God gave to us. Call me in your trouble and I will deliver you and you shall glorify Me.
Bible says that all of God's promises are true and it come to pass.
Which means this promise is also true and will happen for sure.
Heaven and earth may pass away but His promises and words will never fail.
Imagine if the entire earth and universe is destroyed, but still His promise will happen.
Are you today in trouble, is your loved ones in trouble, is your friend in trouble, who is in trouble around you?
Use this promise. Promise of God always remains, but we have to grab hold of it and apply it in our lives. Promises of God does not happen automatically, it comes with an action that we have to perform.
The promise of God in the verse today asks us to call Him first in trouble. It does not say worry, fear, be anxious, mourn or run to the world and ask for help.
No it clearly says call Me, come and pray to Me and ask Me for help and I will surely deliver you.
So call, every one who calls heavenly Father, receives and don't just receive but be a testimony and glorify Christ in all you do.