The secret revealer

He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him.

Daniel 2:22

One of the greatest privilege of being a believer in Christ is the access to the secrets and deep things of God. We all love secrets, we all love secrets to success, secrets to lose weight, secrets to healthy living, secrets to become rich and so on and so forth.
We love to watch you tube videos which says secrets to success, secrets to save taxes and so on. We love to be with those who share secrets which benefits us.
Today I give you good news. Our God and Savior Lord Jesus is the greatest reveler of secrets which benefits us much more than those of the earth.
Yes our Lord Jesus has the secrets to abundant living, secrets to living in peace, secrets to receive from Him pressed down, shaken together, running over and put in the lap.
His secrets reveals the deep things which are much more valuable than gold or diamond or silver.
He knows what is in the darkness, what is hidden.
He is willing to reveal it to you, because you are His child.
How to know the secrets from Him? Dwell in Him and let Him dwell in you and He will reveal the secrets for an abundant blessed life.