Why read the bible?

In my heart, I store up your words, so I might not sin against you.

Psalms 119:11

Why read the bible every day? What is the importance of reading the Bible? Today's verse gives us a clear answer to why God's word is important and why we should read it.
We should read the bible because it tells us what is correct and what is wrong in God's eyes, which is the truth. When we read the bible we know what God wants us to do, His will for our lives. The Bible instructs us the way we should go and also guides us in the paths of righteousness and enables us to receive all the promises of God.
When we read the bible, God's word is stored up in our hearts and hence it guards our hearts when we are tempted to sin or do anything wrong.
God's word in our hearts triggers our conscience and prevents us from sinning against God.
That is why it is important to read the bible every day and memorize the verses and store them in our hearts so that we might not sin against God.
Most of the problems, struggles, pain, and suffering we face in our life is due to the lack of God's word in our heart.
When God's word is not in our hearts, we are tempted to lust after the world and give room to things of this world such as pride, jealousy, greed, selfishness, contention, competition, dissatisfaction, and such.  These cause various struggles in our life.
Fill your heart today with God's word. Store up God's word in your heart and when you do so, your life blossoms and prospers.
Proverbs 4:23 says "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."