He bore

He Himself bore our sins in His own body.... by whose stripes you were healed.

1 Peter 2:24

Our LORD Jesus Christ, didn't just hang on the cross, He hung on the cross bearing our sins and sickness. In Matthew 8:17 it says that He took our sickness and bore on Himself, in 1 Peter 2:24 it says He bore our sins.
Our LORD Jesus bore on Himself two very important things that causes our death both physically and spiritually. One is the sin. Sin causes us to be separated from God and all of God's promises, instead of being blessed by God, we are subject to His curse when we sin. From the time beginning we have seen what sin does.
The consequence of sin is death, which is suffering, sickness, pain, etc.
Our LORD Jesus took away from us these two important things, sin and consequences of sin, and put them on Himself so that we might live for righteousness and be healed.
Today if you have accepted Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior, you are no longer a sinner and hence you no longer have to face the consequences of the sin.
You have been made righteous and made eligible to receive all God's promises and His blessings. You are no longer subject to the curse.
It is important to realize and know this truth every day, which causes us to live in reality and not walk in defeat.
Even though we are made righteous and are eligible for God's blessings, we many times behave as though we are sinners and hence have to undergo punishment.
Take your stand today. Own what you have been given don't keep it aside and live the old life.
Live a victorious life claiming all promises of God for your life and receiving in faith His blessings.
Remember He bore it all and left no sin in you or consequences of sin in you.