Offer Sacrifice of righteousness

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And put your trust in the LORD.

Psalms 4:5

This word righteousness in Hebrew means exercising duty. Doing what is right. Kings who rule are excepted to do their duty by delivering justice to his people and take care of them. On the other hands children are excepted to hear and obey their parents until the age they are matured enough to take their own decisions.
Similarly as believers and children of God we are excepted to do our duty (offer sacrifice of righteousness), that is to hear and obey God and mainly to trust Him, trust Jesus.
Why we have to trust Him, because as our King, Jesus's duty is to take care of us and do good to us and deliver us.
Repeatedly our LORD Jesus mentioned to us in the Bible that He will take care of us and be with us, deliver us and not leave us nor forsake us.
His words are true and whatever He says He does, never fails.
So when we do our duty, that is offer sacrifice of righteousness, and live life as per God's Word, obey God's Word and learn to Trust in Him,
surely we will see and experience the deliverance and goodness of our King and LORD Jesus.  We will not live in worry, fear, doubt and so on.
Offer the sacrifice of righteousness every day as children of most high God and know that He always takes care of you and is always doing good to you. Rest in faith and the peace of God will fill your hearts and mind.