
He who walks with integrity walks securely.

Proverbs 10:9

Security, we all want it every day of our life. We want a secure job, we want to live in a neighborhood which is secure and are willing to spend and buy expensive houses to live securely, we also go an extra steps in fixing cameras all around our house to be extra cautious.
We also grew our children in secure environment. We drive cars which has the best security features. Security has become an essential part of our life.
The proverbs we read today shows us how we can live securely every day of our life, the answer is to walk with integrity.
The word integrity in hebrews means blameless, upright, not thinking harm and always thinking and doing good, being truthful in all we do.
God promises security and protection for all those who walk with integrity.
Human ways of security still fails, but when God protects you, not even an insect or an ant can harm you.
The best and cheapest way to live a secure life is to walk with integrity. When you do so, God will send His angels to guard you, He will help you to find favor in your job, and make you and your children dwell safely, He will protect your family life, your finances, your travel, your health, your investments and rest assured you can live in peace.
Take a stand today to walk with integrity no matter what. You will then see the hand of God upon you.